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Millennials are changing the framework of American businesses.
This time it looks like they’ve struck at the heart of Americana for many who grew up on a once popular staple, American cheese. According to an article by Bloomberg –Millennials Kill Again. The Latest Victim? American Cheese – that popular sandwich staple may be going bye-bye as Millennials demand food with “recognizable and pronounceable” ingredients. Many food establishments are rising up to meet the Millennials by changing their menus to incorporate cheeses like Asiago, Cheddar and Gouda.
If you don’t think this shift has made it to your body shop, chances are you’re behind the wave and need to play catch up.
Millennials are the children of baby boomers. These guys and gals grew up with technology at their fingertips and live mobile-ly. They typically have multiple mobile devices. Chances are Millennials are the ones you go to for help with an issue on your own devices. Reportedly, they spend an average of 6-7 hours a week on social media. They’re being followed by a generation – 44 percent of which – check their social media at least hourly, according to statistics laid out by Social Media Week. Millennials were in on the ground floor of the birth of the internet/mobile devices.
Forbes notes “Millennials shop differently than past generations.” Because they live on much less disposable income than previous generations, they are careful spenders. Millennials are more likely to search for the best deals they can find, to use coupons and get free shipping on hard goods. They’re also much more committed to authenticity, social consciousness, purchasing locally and supporting green initiatives.
So, what does this mean for your business?
For Millennials, social media is a major influencer when it comes to purchasing decisions.
Below are a few things to consider when targeting millennials with social media.
It is time to step up your social media playing field to boost revenues.
Social media provides exposure
First and foremost — social media does, in fact, help get the word out about your business. It provides you with the opportunity to grow relationships with your target audience. Your fans, followers, and connections are people who know your organization, have likely done business with you in the past, and will be most likely to tell their friends about you.
Social media is popular and cost-effective
You don’t need to be a dedicated reader of tech blogs or an expert in online marketing to know that social media is really popular among consumers. But did you know it is a cost-effective means to attract, recruit and retain your target audience? Most social media advertising is less expensive than traditional advertising, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money to reach more people, increase your audience, and grow your business.
Social media encourages two-way communication
Whether you use Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google or Pinterest, social media messaging gives you the power to learn more about your audience, their interests, and collect feedback.
Social media is perfect for customer service
Providing stellar customer service is likely already a top priority for your body shop. But along with the two-way communication that social media provides, it also offers a unique opportunity to step up your customer service game and provide instant gratification to your target audience. Be sure to read and positively respond to all reviews online to show your audience and prospective customers you are listening.
Many companies get caught up in the daily operations of their business, leaving marketing at the bottom of their priority lists. To get yourself under consideration by the Millennial crowd, however, you need to shift some of your focus to create a strong, responsive social media presence. You need to have business accounts and company profile information set up on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and LinkedIn.
If social media marketing isn’t your strong suit or you’d rather leave the planning and implementation of social media marketing to the professionals, put your marketing and social media engagement in the hands of a firm that specializes in auto industry marketing. These professionals know the ins and outs of auto shops that traditional marketing firms don’t, can speak your language and engage Millennials where they are – online.
At B2B Automotive, we use research and a targeted approach to generate more buzz through social media. If you could use a hand with your social media, give us a call at 415.787.AUTO or contact us and let us show you what we can do.
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