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Little did Harley Graves know when he started his business, the Harley Graves Garage, in 1932 he was inspiring the entrepreneurial spirit in his great granddaughter, Michelle Nelson. Graves had a passion for helping people that also spilled over to his great granddaughter. She gained an interest and knowledge in the auto body industry from her grandfather who owned and auto body, mechanical and towing business. She also picked up his legacy for helping people.
Harley Graves was the kind of man who never knew a stranger, a man who felt passionate about helping people. It’s nearly impossible to express his generosity and kindness toward people. He was the kind of man who never said “no” to the Salvation Army or turned away a customer because of financial despair. The true extent of his generosity came to light after he passed. Michelle’s grandmother, Harley’s daughter Shirley, discovered un-cashed checks hidden throughout his belongings from families he knew couldn’t afford to pay, but who he continued to offer his services.
Michelle, in honor of her great grandfather, picked up the torch and founded the Harley Graves Emergency Fund to help those in need. The fund assists those who may need help filling up their gas tank, paying the month’s power bill, providing groceries for their family, assisting with school aid or whatever struggles they face.
In tribute to the man who never turned anyone away, B2B Automotive continues to help those in need in our own community, extending Harley Graves’ legacy of caring.