Your number one marketing service provider nationwide for auto body shops, auto body equipment & paint distributors, mechanical shops, car dealerships, Towing companies and more.
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The key to a strong online presence is understanding your target audience. B2B Automotive offers over three decades of automotive marketing experience. Our digital marketing solutions will provide you with the tools you need to excel your profits into high gear. Your online presence must portray a strong digital marketing brand. Your brand will speak volumes as to who you are and what you do.
Why is Digital Marketing so important?
• An increase in brand visibility
• Provides platforms for you to interact with your target audience
• Increased product and service loyalty
• Builds credibility
• Creates new customers
Are you aware of the various ways in which digital marketing can benefit your company, and how consumers now rely on social media and other tools to make their product discoveries and purchase decisions? Technology is integrated into our lives more than ever before. Digital marketing is important because more and more consumers are online; digital marketing is an immediate way to reach them.
Digital Marketing Increases Sales
When companies set out to use digital marketing, the main goal is to increase sales and make more money. The importance of creating and using a digital marketing plan to support digital transformation and company growth.
So where do you start if you want to develop a digital marketing strategy?
We know many businesses realize how vital digital and mobile channels are today for acquiring and retaining customers but don’t know where to start. Businesses usually don’t have an integrated plan to grow and engage their audiences effectively. We all know how important budgeting is to our business. What we don’t know, is how important budgeting for content marketing can be to our business. The B2B Automotive Team are experts when it comes to facing these common challenges. There are different forms of digital marketing that B2B Automotive utilizes when it comes to setting up an individualized plan.
Here are some statistics to chew on!
Top five B2B content marketing tactics: Social media content 92%; eNewsletters 83%;
articles on your website 81%; blogs 80%; in-person events 77%.
Content marketing revenue will exceed $300 billion by 2019.
The most successful marketers spend 40% of their total marketing budget on content marketing. The average for all respondents is 26%.
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