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Our Senior Creative Director Jana Purcell is an artista of many mediums, barista of many drinks, laughmeister of many jokes, catista of two cats, listener to many, good friend and work-a-holic.
She has aged as well as the wine she collects and her artistic skills in design and multi-media. She has many years of creative direction under her belt and her passion is making people happy. That’s a great recipe for “happy customers.”
She’s been in the marketing and design field for more than 25 years and has worked with Michelle for more than 10 years. She studied graphic design, multi-media/web design and fine arts and earned her bachelor’s degree from Bradley University in Peoria, IL.
Jana loves what she does and hopes that life brings her satisfaction doing what she loves for a long time. She enjoys people and the arts, and loves to make people laugh. Her mom always told her “laughter is the best medicine” and she truly believes in those words.
She has a beautiful “mini me” daughter, two cats and a snail named “Gary” from SpongeBob. Her love has always been horses and with many years of riding, it has trickled over into her love to draw them. If you ever need a horse picture hand drawn, she is the “go-to” gal for that.
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