Believe it or not, the median return on investment from direct mailers places it right behind email and social media. That makes direct mail a solid part of your company’s marketing strategy. B2B Automotive will help you craft direct mailers that encourage action and pair with your digital marketing efforts. Direct mail works because people are bombarded with digital messaging. Mailboxes aren’t full, meaning direct mailers can be effective at delivering your message.
B2B Automotive also specializes in putting you in front of customers through strong email marketing campaigns. We know how time consuming it can be running a proper email marketing campaign. That’s why we are here to help. We can get your business out there in front of past, present and future customers, helping you increase your bottom line. Let out team build your email marketing campaign, including an electronic newsletter design and distribution, and see how much we can boost your visibility and profits.
Contact B2B Automotive at 415.787.AUTO or contact us for help in crafting a powerful direct and email marketing campaigns.